
Tradeskillmaster guide 3.6
Tradeskillmaster guide 3.6

Mine is set to 5g, this means TSM will not buy a shadowgem unless I can make 5g or more profit from that single gem. The second option is "min reset profit", this is the minimum profit you want to make from each single item.

tradeskillmaster guide 3.6

I chose 1000g because I am happy to invest in large amounts of items I know I can sell. As for gems I usually give them separate groups, so this means I am willing to spend a maximum for 1000g to reset the shadowgem market. The first option is "max reset cost", this is the maximum amount of gold you want to spend per item in your group, to reset the market. You will want to set them up according to your own realm. Ok so we now have quite a few options but they are pretty easy to understand. The final forth arrow (red) states "Your auction has not been undercut", which is exactly what you want, means you are the cheapest on the AH! You can change the behaviour of this setting in your group override. The third arrow (yellow) states "Not cancelling auction below threshold.", this means the item that has undercut you, is cheaper than you have specified in your threshold for that item, therefor TSM will not undercut it and will leave your current auction up (although it has been undercut). The second arrow (green) states "Cancelling auction which you've undercut", this means you have undercut someone who has undercut you (tongue twister!), therefor TSM will cancel your originally undercut auction.

tradeskillmaster guide 3.6

The first arrow (pink) states "You've been undercut", this means someone has undercut you and TSM is going to cancel that auction to repost later. The information stated can be any of the following: At the top it will list how many auctions it wants to cancel according to your settings.

Tradeskillmaster guide 3.6